Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Called to Coach

Mark Schlabach recently released a book named Called To Coach. It was a book on the life and times of Bobby Bowden from when he was a little boy growing up in Birmingham, Alabama to him ending up in Tallahassee, Florida to coach Florida State. I have known about this book way back in June, but it was not released until August 23. So you could say I was really excited when it hit the bookshelves.
I have always admired Coach Bowden while he was coaching at Florida State. It was not because of all his victories as coach he accumulated over five decades of coaching football, but because of how he went about pronouncing his faith and his love for Jesus Christ. While reading this book it really opened my eyes on how he was able to use his profession to show what he was put on this earth really to do and that was to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the book it was amazing to see how God worked in coach Bowden's life and how God was able to use his status as being a head coach to spread the kingdom. This book can be viewed in two ways while you read it. One is how God uses people to spread his word and the second is a story of how a boy from Birmingham grew up to become one of college football's greatest coaches of all-time. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a Bobby Bowden fan or football fan.

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